Apr 9, 2008

List Of The Day: Great Olan Mills photos

Here are the pictures as promised.
This photo was taken using the "Black Hole" backdrop.
What in the world is he sitting on?

As for that hair...It was the 80's...and mullets were in...right?

I have a few portraits of the kids stuffed in the rafters of our garage that I'll have to pull out and post on this site. One of them is an out-of-this- world pose of the darling daughter suspended on a wicker chair in space..the background is black and she looks like she is riding a chair through the black hole. As if one sitting wasn't enough...I decided to go back for more...the second set of beauties is of the darling daughter and sizzling son both wearing white and posed like little angels. I had no idea that the weird bump on sizzling son's chest was his favorite troll necklace hidden underneath his shirt. I'll go find them and post them later. In the meantime go take a look at some of the fine photography Olan Mills produced over the years...

List Of The Day: Great Olan Mills photos

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