Mar 27, 2009

Friday musings . . .

Not a glass slipper...

Not Cinderella...but close...the pretty part...not the indentured servant part...

Not Goliath's foot...but close....

further proof...

Not incredibly appetizing to look at...but incredibly appetizing to eat...

Not my size. . .

also not my size . . . but close . . . if I was still a newborn . . .

and didn't eat a lot of these. . .
Happy Weekend everyone. . .


lyngweeny said...

Does anyone else think those candies look like alien heads with green eyes?

jen721 said...

Those shoes are really cute

Swirl Girl said...

who's the pretty young lady??

and those eyeball things are too weird to eat now, wait for Halloween.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Katie - who is now 11 - has the goliath feet. She now wears a size 9. Or a 10 if it's flip flops. Unreal.

Do you watch the show "King of the hill?"

In the show, Hank's wife Peggy has huge feet. She has to go to a special store to buy them. But she doesn't tell anyone. One episode she bought new shoes. But forgot to hide the box. Hank comes in and says "who bought a microwave?"

Teri said...

Not small feet people - unite!